Do you suffer with nightmares, or irrational fears?

Do you feel that you have had a past life?

Would you like to meet your Spirit and Animal Guide?

Do you have the feeling that you and your pet have been together over many lifetimes?

Do you struggle with your relationships?

Do you never seem to have any money?

If these or similar questions resonate with you, then delving into your Akashic Record may provide you with the answers you are constantly searching for.

Scroll down for more information, packages and workshop information.



    We all have an AKASHIC RECORD which is a record of all your thoughts, spoken words, actions taken and emotions throughout your life. In addition to your own personal AKASHIC RECORD, your soul has its own ASKASHIC RECORD which contains all the thoughts, spoken words an actions taken over the course of your Souls many lifetimes. Your personal AKASHIC RECORD is only one chapter the book of your Soul.


    Your pet also has his or her own ASASHIC RECORDS, and you as the guardian would have the necessary permission to be able to access your furry friend’s ASKASHIC RECORDS. This would enable you to be able to discover when you an your furry friend first became acquainted with one another, and you would be able to discover how many lives ou have already shared.


    The AKASHIC RECORDS help you to look not only into your past and find out where you come from, and what makes you YOU, but having the ability to look into our present life an seeing your future potential can be a wonderful tool. It is entirely possible that chronic ailments, relationship issues and financial issues present in your current life, could have originated in a past life.


There are 3 packages available to suit your needs. For more details, please download the price list. Please note that all pricing is subject to change without notice.

The ACCEPTANCE PACKAGE which is suitable for anyone looking for answers as to your role on earth and the reasons why you are here. The ACCEPTANCE PACKAGE is the first step in accepting the role the AKASHIC RECORDS plays in your life.

The RECOGNITION PACKAGE is suitable for anyone who questions why certain things happen to you, where do these traits, fears, or ailments come from? The RECOGNITION PACKAGE will assist you to obtain answers from your AKASHIC RECORDS.

The SPIRITUAL PACKAGE is available to those ready to meet your team of spirit guides, guardian angels, animal guides, and other guides. All you have to do is ask, and your team of guides is ready to guide and assist you.

Packages start from R600 / 60.00 USD / 60 € / 60 GBP for the Acceptance Package.

Email: akashicrecords@heart2soulconnection.com for a detailed price list.


Akashic Records Module 1 Workshop is a beginners workshop, and is scheduled for 27 July 2024. This is an online workshop and you may participate from anywhere in the world, provided you have a good internet/wifi connection. The course runs from 9h30 until 15h00.

Akashic Records Module 2 Workshop follows on from Module 1 and is scheduled for 7th September 2024. This workshop is also online, and runs from 9h30 until 15h00.

Please note that participant numbers are limited on both Modules to ensure a joyful experience for all.

